Bawean Deer


The Life of Animals | Bawean Deer | Bawean deer (Axis kuhlii) is an endemic species of deer native Bawean whose population has declined. Some results of population studies indicate the existence of Deer populations are increasingly threatened Bawean, mainly by poaching and habitat fragmentation. The results of the study population by BKSDA Java I worked with the Faculty of Forestry Gadjah Mada University in 2003, succeeded in estimating the number of deer populations in their natural habitat Bawean amounted to 307 to 316 individuals. Vortex simulation results with the program indicate the occurrence of local extinction in the future, especially in isolated populations.

The fact require that concern all parties to do the conservation measures are earnest to protect, maintain, and develop Bawean deer population. Bawean deer rescue efforts can be made in the form of population management in natural habitats as well as ex-situ management. Development of ex-situ conservation, one of which is the breeding system, are expected to support the provision of the population (stock recovery) in their natural habitat without compromising the authenticity and uniqueness types.

Deer rescue Bawean is an activity that requires a collective role the various elements of society have in Bawean. Bawean deer breeding system development is expected to involve the community as a major actor in its activities. Community by actively managing the breeding independently to increase the deer population Bawean as stock in the wild population. Given the deer is one animal that has a lot of potential, efforts can further be developed as a production asset.

 Because of its status, the utilization of the deer must be done correctly. In PP No.8 of 1999 on the Utilization Type Plants and Wildlife, said that wildlife utilization policy is inseparable from the development policies of conservation of biological resources and ecosystems.