Red Jungle Fowl


Animal Eyes | Red Jungle Fowl | This one animal is an animal that almost every time we meet we even consume, but the chicken is divided into several types, one of his chicken, the chicken is a step and also rarely we meet, usually living in the forest, which is his trademark red color in her body is very beautiful and attractive, this animal is indeed a lot of copies, but there are a hallmark of its own in these animals, want to know? The following report

Chicken-red forest or in the scientific name Gallus , Gallus is a kind of medium-sized bird, with a length of about 78cm, from the tribe of Phasianidae. Hens are smaller, with a length of about 46cm. Chicken-forest males have the feathers of the neck, nape and mantle length tapered yellow skin a golden brown with a red face, iris brown, dark green back feathers and the underside of the shiny black body. Toothed comb her head there and gelambir red. Its tail is composed of 14 to 16 green metallic black fur, with the middle tail feathers are long and curved downward. Legs gray with a spur. Hens do not have legs , short hairs, dark brown with yellowish stripes and dark spots.


Chicken-red forest is widespread in tropical and lowland forests on the continent of Asia, the Himalayas, southern China, Southeast Asia, up to Sumatra and Java. There are five subspecies are recognized. In Indonesia, subspecies G. g. bankiva found in Java, Bali and Sumatra.
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