Tyto Alba

The Life of Animals | Tyto Alba | It turned out that the owl also has a very important role for world agriculture. One of the main meal several types of owls are the rats, while rats are one of the organisms Pest Plants / important agricultural pest that can cause severe damage. In one night alone the damage caused by rodents attack could reach tens of hectares in one area so the mouse is the most dreaded pests by farmers. In addition, rats and 'brother' like the wild boar that usually when attacking the rice field / fields come clustered in groups which each have a leader, generally has a mythical status in rural farming communities, there is a 'caring', there the 'send' and the various allegations against the attacks that occurred rats. In some places in West Java as mystical properties, many residents are reluctant to give his name explicitly, but simply as 'pests' or 'the monyong' even among the Java community there is the term 'good den' for these mice. Various types and methods are used to cope with this pest from the sensible to the 'odd'.

Generally, the farmers do in the 'fight' with the captured mouse is a rollicking, rat hole smoked with sulfur fumes, using dogs trained to hunt rats, giving poisoned bait, fenced fields with plastic, set traps and which are not uncommon among by surrounding rice fields at night while practicing specific reading or doing the show 'ritual' in the field followed by spreading oil on the rice field zaparon until some are deceived by the merchants used oil by mixing poison into the used oil and then poured into water fields so toxic oil is attached to the fur of rats and mice to lick his fur would be poisoned, it's just that unfortunately died of rat poison in addition, rice plants are also many who die, too contaminated used oil.
 Success through unconventional handling of such diligent and spread around the oil fields were analyzed in a rational zaparon if indeed possible, too, because if the field is often visited by people causing the mice were reluctant to enter because of human scent on the spot, and so if there is any possibility zaparon oil odor mice do not like it, so avoid the place. The combination of the two ways that are inexpensive and can easily among humans by spraying urine into the fields (especially before eating jengkol already) and it's been well done, the result fields are sprayed with urine humans survived while the paddy fields around it quite badly hit by the attack of rats. Another way that ever there is also a practice that is by spraying water from soaking into the fields of dead mice and the results are quite helpful also in repel mice.

For farming communities as well as creative fikirnya pattern is more advanced and also care about the environment, these mice attack becomes an additional source of income. They menangkarkan fields so benign because snakes maintained since childhood and then 'merentalkannya' to catch mice. Areas affected fields rat attacks sheets lined with plastic and then the snakes are released theirs fields for several days in the fields that have been fenced off and let the snake was 'partying' the mice enjoy fresh for several days until the attack subsides rats. If the mouse has a weight of mystical, the snake let alone the higher weights mystical. Response of mice that are also very rational, environmentally friendly and effective way is to use the owl tyto alba species that is widely available in various regions in Indonesia. But unfortunately the mystical view is also still attached to the presence of these birds tyto alba Sunda area called 'koreak'. When you hear the sound of birds there are some people who still seek him out on the grounds that if there are bird sounds spooky, horror, usually a sign there will be a dead world, which means the bird is thrown out to avoid so that no one died on the ground or not so dead world . The logic is strange indeed But when you think there is truth in this allegation because usually there will soon be the monyong who died in that place because Bung Alba dined every night to eat to survive, if not the monyong then had passed away there was fish in the pond.

 Alba kept it for a while can be placed in a wire cage large enough and in it provided pagupon (pigeon cage) until Bung Alba is accustomed to during the day inside this pagupon. During this maintenance should Bung Alba fed rats or when it is difficult to catch can be fed with fish or chicken heads that can be bought quite cheaply on the market (1 kg between 6000-10000) and enough for about 2 weeks for a tail Bung Alba. When you are familiar with the 'house', man it can be moved by Alba paguponnya pesawahan to areas affected by the attack of rats. Pagupon can be placed on trees or by making the pole and kept in a pretty shady place so the Bung Alba on the day did not become hot because of heat and can feel at home. In their own fields provided 'hangout' Bung Alba at night a few pole-shaped 'T' that is designed higher than the rice plants. Bung Alba can also be lodged in the roof of the house so should people's homes or public buildings such as mosques, village offices, schools and other near pesawahan provides entrance to the roof from outside to share this place with Bung Alba, the stakes after a sufficiently long so little odor rancid if rarely cleaned the place as 'home' Bung Alba is.