

The Life of Animals | Zebra | If we go to the park safari in Africa, an animal which is probably the most eye-catching zebra. Because zebras have black-and-white motif is striking in its body. This striking zebra motif which is a tool to protect themselves from enemies. Zebra which alone will be easily visible and subject to predators. Fortunately zebras live in groups. Therefore the intention of approaching predators herd zebra can not focus on one view of the tail just as a herd of zebra-striped body looks very crowded, so predators can not attack.

Also in Africa also live creepy blood-sucking flies, called Tse tse flies. Because Tse tse flies have compound eyes (eye lens and has a lot of great point of view), zebra stripes motif on the body looks like a mosaic for them. 

The closer the fly, zebra stripes motif on the body's looking less and less clear that a zebra can save themselves from attacks Tse tse fly this dangerous. But sometimes we are confused to see a black-and-white line pattern on a zebra. It was hard to determine which color is the base color and which is the motive is.

If we observe carefully, we can distinguish basic colors and where the motive. Basic body color is white zebra and yellow, and black motif that line. How do I know? Consider the zebra belly. Because zebra belly entirely white and yellow, so the base color is white or yellow zebra young.

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