Arabian Wolf

The Life of Animals | Arabian Wolf | The Arabian wolf (Canis lupus arabs) is a subspecies of Gray Wolf which was once found throughout the Arabian Peninsula, but now only lives in small pockets in Southern Israel, Southern and western Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and probably in some parts of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.

The Arabian wolf is a small, desert adapted wolf that stands at around 26 inches shoulder height and weighs an average of 40 pounds Their ears are proportionally larger in relation to body size when compared to other species, an adaptation needed to disperse body heat. The winter coat is long, though not as long as northern subspecies  Arabian wolves are unique among grey wolves due to the middle two toes of their paws being fused, a trait originally thought unique to the African Wild Dog  It is distinguished from the Indian Wolf by its paler fur, smaller size and proportionally smaller head

Arabian wolves will attack and eat any domestic animal up to the size of a goat. Arabian wolves also feed on hares, rodents, ungulates, and any carrion they can find. In Israel, there are between 100 and 150 Arabian wolves all over the Negev and the Arava.