Harpegnathos Saltator

The Life of Animals | Harpegnathos Saltator | Harpegnathos saltator, Sometimes Called Jerdon's jumping ant, is a species of ant found in India. The Colonies are small and the difference the between workers and queens is very slight

New Colonies are founded independently by single queens, and on aging They are replaced by Several gamergates. Colonies being very small, They never undergo fission to form new Colonies.

The workers control the number of reproductives in the colony and kill some of the will of gamergates (as in taxobox image). Workers use alarm pheromones the which include 4-methyl-3-heptanone, 4-methyl-3-heptanol and isopentyl isopentanoate. H. saltator, like many species of ant produces 4-methyl-3-heptanone from mandibular glands. The nest entrance is usually a low mound on the ground with the entrance surrounded by Twigs and leaves.

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