- A Brief Introduction to Particle Physics
- An Introduction to Higher Mathematics
- An Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
- An Introduction to Mathematics
- An Introduction to Proofs and the Mathematical Vernacular
- A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century, Fourth Edition
- A Tour of Triangle Geometry
- Acoustic Emission
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- Advances in Evolutionary Algorithms
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- Advances in Haptics
- Advances in Human Computer Interaction
- Aging by Design
- An Introduction to Elementary Particles
- An Introduction to Many Worlds in Quantum Computation
- An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
- Analysis 1 (Tao T)
- Analysis 2 (Tao T)
- Analytic functions
- Astronomical Discovery
- Astronomy for Amateurs
- Astronomy for Amateurs
- Astronomy of To-day A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language
- Astronomy with an Opera-glass
- Basic Concepts of Mathematics
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry (practice book)
- Board Notes for Particle Physics
- Celestial Navigation, Elementary Astronomy, Piloting
- Classical Geometry (Danny Calegari)
- Climate Models
- Computational Geometry
- Consistent Quantum Theory
- Cook-Book Of Mathematics
- College Physics
- Crude Oil Emulsions- Composition Stability and Characterization
- Curiosities of the Sky
- Decoherence: Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation
- Do we really understand quantum mechanics?
- Diophantine Analysis
- Dr. Donald Luttermoser’s Physics Notes
- Earthquake Research and Analysis
- Earthquake-Resistant Structures – Design, Assessment and Rehabilitation
- Elementary Particle Physics
- Elements of Astrophysics
- Embedded Systems – Theory and Design Methodology
- Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
- Encyclopedia of Astrophysics
- Engineering Mathematics 1
- Engineering Mathematics with Tables
- Essential Engineering Mathematics
- Exoplanet Observing for Amateurs
- Experimental Particle Physics
- Foundations of Nonstandard Analysis
- Frequently Asked Questions about Calendars
- Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
- Fundamentals of Analysis (Chen W.W.L)
- Further Mathematical Methods
- Geometric Asymptotics
- Geometry and Group Theory
- Geometry and Topology
- Geometry Formulas and Facts
- Geometry study guide
- Geometry, Topology, Geometric Modeling
- Great Astronomers
- Handbook of Formulae and Physical Constants
- Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
- High School Mathematics Extensions
- Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
- History of Astronomy
- Homeomorphisms in Analysis
- Intelligent Systems
- Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces
- Introduction to Elementary Particles
- Introduction To Finite Mathematics
- Introduction to particle physics notes
- Introduction to PID Controllers
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Chemistry
- Introduction to Quantum Noise, Measurement and Amplification
- Introduction to the Time Evolution of Open Quantum Systems
- Introductory Quantum Mechanics II
- Laws of Physics
- Learn Physics Today
- Lecture Notes in Discrete Mathematics
- Lecture Notes in Quantum Mechanics
- Lecture Notes Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Lecture notes Particle Physics
- Lectures on Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
- Lectures on Entire Functions
- Lectures on Particle Physics
- Mag 7 Star Atlas Project
- Many Particle Physics II
- Math Alive
- Mathematical Analysis I(Zakon E)
- Mathematical Methods
- Mathematical Methods for Physical Sciences II
- Mathematical Methods of Engineering Analysis
- Mathematics for Computer Science
- Mathematics for Computer Science
- Mathematics for Computer Scientists
- Mathematics For Engineering Students
- Mathematics Formulary
- Motion Mountain
- Natural Disasters
- New Frontiers in Graph Theory
- Noise Control, Reduction and Cancellation Solutions in Engineering
- Nondestructive Testing Methods and New Applications
- Nonlinear Optics
- Notes on Coarse Geometry
- Notes on Elementary Particle Physics
- Notes on Quantum Mechanics
- Particle Physics Course Univ. Cape Town
- Particle Physics Lecture Notes
- Perspectives in Quantum Physics: Epistemological, Ontological and Pedagogical
- Photons, Schmotons
- Physics Tutorials
- Pioneers of Science
- Primer Of Celestial Navigation
- Principal Component Analysis
- Principal Component Analysis – Multidisciplinary Applications
- Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Volume 1
- Quantum Dissipative Systems
- Quantum Fluctuations
- Quantum Information Theory
- Quantum Magnetism
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics
- Quantum Mechanics: A graduate course
- Quantum mechanics: An intermediate level course
- Quantum Notes
- Quantum Physics Notes
- Quantum Theory of Many – particle Systems
- Quantum Transients
- Recreations in Astronomy
- Relativistic Quantum Dynamics
- Riemann surfaces, dynamics and geometry Course Notes
- Short History of Astronomy
- Sintering of Ceramics – New Emerging Techniques
- Star-Gazer’s Hand-Book
- Street-Fighting Mathematics
- Structures of Life
- System of Systems
- The Astronomy of the Bible
- The Astronomy of the Bible: An Elementary Commentary on the Astronomical References of Holy Scripture
- The basic paradoxes of statistical classical physics and quantum mechanics
- The Convenient Setting of Global Analysis
- The Eightfold Way The Beauty of Klein’s Quartic Curve(1999)
- The Geometry of the Sphere
- The Handbook of Essential Mathematics
- The Moon: A Full Description and Map of its Principal Physical Features
- The Origin of Mass in Particle Physics
- The Particle Detector Brief Book
- The Physics Hypertextbook
- The Physics of Quantum Mechanics
- The Small n Problem in High Energy Physics
- The Story of Eclipses
- The Story of the Heavens
- The world according to the Hubble Space Telescope
- The Zij as-Sanjari of Gregory Chioniades (June 27, 2009)
- Three Dimensional Geometry
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