

The Life of Animals | Hawk | one animal is one of the animal ruling the air, you probably already know this animal, which has a very broad wings and strong as well, but it has also strong beaks and predators are very fast and cruel. This animal is a carnivorous predator, . These animals usually eat prey that is smaller than its size, like a chicken. want to know? The following report


A stout crow-sized hawk with a brown head, back and wings above. Their undersides are red/brown on white with extensive banding on the wings and tail. Characteristic of hawks, they have a hooked beak. Any Broad-winged soaring hawk is also known as a buteo. They hunt visually: by spotting their prey from a perch, or actively flying overhead. Then they swoop down to capture small mammals, amphibians, reptiles or birds in their talons.

A poorly built structure of sticks, lined with bark, may take 3 weeks to build.Normally, hawks are solitary birds. The exception as with other neotropical migrant birds is during migration.

Until they were legally protected, their populations were endangered from human hunters who considered it a great sport to shoot these "birds of prey" or raptors particularly when they were grouped together during migration.

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