

The Life of Animals | Lion | This is the real ruler of the forest, almost all living beings fear him, because yes is a very vicious predators and also frightening, not only animals but humans too could also have starved if yes, these beings have the characteristic of the khan's hair above her head and also brown color that exist in body, want to know? The following report

The lion is most muscular and powerful among the cats. The other name of lion is the Panthera leo, and it belongs to category Panthera. Some reports say the average weight of the males is the 250 kg. does matter, what I have written in previous posts, this information is latest to me.There are mainly two breeds of lion,one is Asian or Indian lion , now found only in Gir National Park, Gujrat, and the other is the African lion found in the Saharan areas of Africa.Approximately ten thousand years back, the lion was second most populous creature after mankind on earth. There privileged areas were almost full African continent, most parts of Europe and Russia to India. Lion had their presence in America as well, in the parts of Peru.

Average age of lion is 13 years in jungle and in human custody , it goes to 20 years in many cases. In jungle, male is needed to arrange for the meal, and in fights , he eventually reduces his energy and life span gets reduced in his case to only ten years. Male lion are characterized by thick brown black hair encircling the head. Male and female roar can be heard from 8 kilometers in jungle.


Another behavior of female lion is well treatment to the cubs.Mothers help the young at every moment in nurturing. Group hunting makes them possible hence the buffaloes,rhinos,hippos and girrafes are vulnerable to such groups. Female lion makes 80% of the total hunts done by the group. The amazing characteristic, which distinguishes lion from other cats is its nature of being social. Their tendency to live in groups is more than any other cat breed. A lion is a group leader to few females, offspring, young males.Females usually hunt, in large groups.Regarding the taste of human blood, it is believed that lion until lion hasn't tasted it, it stays away, but once lion has tasted human blood, lion cant resist for it.

But the king of jungle is now struggling for its very existence. About forty percent of the population has been reduced in the last two decades in Africa. In the African continent , the lions remained a few only. But now sincere efforts have been started. Zoos all over the world are making possible the movement to save this species. 

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