Malagasy rainbow frog


The Life of Animals | Holstein | Observed from the name, Malagasy rainbow frog, of course, have different colors. This type of frog habitat in rocky dry forest of Madagascar's Isalo Massif. Breed in shallow ponds and can usually be found be found in the valley. Frogs are good at this kind of adapt. The proof he was good at climbing in rocky environments, and even on vertical surfaces! When threatened, this frog will develop yourself as a defense mechanism against predators.

World wildlife researchers commotion with the rediscovery of the rainbow toad (Ansonia latidisca) who had not been seen since the last 90 years. Frogs were found Dr. Indraneil Das, researchers from the University of Sarawak, in the region of Mount Penrissen, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Rainbow frog called because its skin is full of bright colors like a rainbow. Frog species was last found in 1924 by an expedition of European scientists. Since then, these animals never again reported its existence. The team, led by Dr. Indraneil Das frog found three rainbows measuring 30 mm to 51 mm over the target area of ​​the search expedition Malaysia Sarawak and West Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Since last August, scientists launched the mission of the Global Search for the Lost Amphibian involving 126 researchers. They do a search in 21 countries and 5 continents. Dr. Robin Moore amphibian experts from Conservation International, who is also head of the mission said the amphibians of the most vulnerable groups of vertebrates. More than 30 percent are threatened with extinction because of habitat destruction and infectious diseases.

And Amphibians are very important for humans to control insects and preserve freshwater systems. Many are also potential drugs are found from the skin of amphibians such as the painkillers are properties 200 times stronger than morphine.

Mission objectives Global Search for the Lost Amphibian is to know how big the amphibian populations that can survive the pressure due to habitat loss, climate change, and the spread of disease.
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