Toulouse goose

The Life of Animals | Toulouse goose | One animal is usually known by the eggs that often we eat, this is one of its kind, because this animal is divided into several types, but this is a very popular type in the population, want to know? The following report

The Toulouse Goose is one of the larger goose breeds. In its exhibition or "dewlap" form, the Toulouse Goose may weight 25 pounds and have its body skimming the ground. The "utility" Toulouse Goose is smaller and lacks the dewlap being basically a cross bred grey Heinz with no value other than for the table.

The Toulouse Goose was bred in southern France (near the city of Toulouse) originally for pate de Fois Gras now considered a superior meat bird in Europe. The breeding work to finalize the points and breed true was done in England with a great number being exported to America and Canada prior to the 1950's . At the moment the Club has been importing a number back from the USA as the gene pool in Britain has become too narrow making a number of males virtually infertile.

A heavy breed which does well in confinement since their size restricts foraging and although their goslings tend to grow slower than other geese. The progeny of a Toulouse goose crossed with an Emden gander grow rapidly.

tip Due to their size in comparison to their leg length they prefer real ponds or shallow edged trays/ childrens sandpits (ELC or IKEA) as many others can produce a snug fit. Wickes builders merchants do a 'cement mixing tray' in black composite cheap

Grey feathers laced with white, brown eyes with a long deep body with a prominent breast bone. Better show birds have a pronounced front as in the picture and double muscled folds when seen from the front. Better breeding birds often have less front or their 'equipment' does not reach to mate successfully The supreme meat cross which tends to pass on the placid (dumb) temperamernt to the off spring. As a pure breed it often resembles a large tub of lard with feet so unless a very poor specimen not worth the plucking better for the breeding pen for X breds.
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