King Penguins

The Life of Animals | King penguins | King penguins, is a rare species in the world's second largest after the Emperor Penguin species, they live in sub-Antarctic temperature 0.1 degrees Celsius. King penguins live prey on small fish and squid are found only in Antarctic waters.

The impact of global warming and the greenhouse effect resulting in the northern tip of the South Pole (Antarctica) experienced a fall that resulted in sea water temperature of fish and squid that became the food of the Penguin King disappeared from their homes and of course it is destroying the food chain patterns already exists and create the King Penguin habitat loss and the source of life.

Scientists Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien CNRS Institute in Strasbourg, France, has studied King Penguins at the Possession Island, southern Indian Ocean, for nine years. They then conclude that high sea surface temperatures will affect the amount of marine prey available to the penguins and that in turn reduces the survival rate of adult king penguins.


The king penguin is one example of the impact of global warming influence on the world and it is our duty to be more concerned to create this world in order to keep functioning properly.

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