Common dolphin

Animal Eyes | Common dolphin | common dolphins live in groups of about 10-50. generally very active - groups often surface, jump and splash together. dolphins is the fastest swimmer, can reach speeds of more than 40 km / h.

Despite their name, Common Dolphins are actually somewhat less well known than are their Bottlenose cousins. Common Dolphins are found over a wide range, but tend to prefer water which is warmer than 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degree Celsius) and deeper than 590 feet (180 meters). Their exact population is not known, but they are not endangered.

Common Dolphins vary so greatly in appearance that at one time or another as many as 20 different sub-species have been suggested. The Common Dolphin is often mistaken for other kinds of dolphins. They can best be recognized by their slim, streamlined bodies, with an hourglass pattern and yellow patch on their sides. The range from 6-8 feet (1.7 - 2.4 meters) long,and weight between 115 and 245 pounds (70 to 110 kilograms).

Common Dolphins are energetic, outgoing, social animals. They travel in large groups, and their spashins and calling can often be heard from a long distance away. They are fast swimmers and very acrobatic; sometimes they will turn somersaults in the air when they breach. hey also frequently lob tail, bow or wake ride, and slap the water with their flippers and their chin.

Did you know that the Common Dolphin is the faster swimmer of all cetaeans? Common Dolphins are capable of reaching speeds of 70 m.p.h. (113 km/h). Good thing they can’t get arrested for speeding.

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