Orca (Orcinus orca)

The Life of Animals | Orca (Orcinus orca) | Orca (Orcinus orca) is the largest species of the dolphin family. This species is found in all oceans, from the cold regions like the Arctic and Antarctica to the warm temperate regions. Killer whales are predators, eating mostly fish populations, comparison with other populations  eat marine mammals like sea lions, seals, walruses to large whales.

Killer whales hunt in deadly groups, family groups consisting of up to 40 individuals. There seemed a good group of permanent and temporary groups of the population of killer whales. Different groups are hunting the prey is different and uses different techniques in catching prey.

Permanent groups tend to prefer fish, while the group while targeting marine mammals. All groups using the techniques of effective and cooperative hunting, which is sometimes equated with the behavior of wolves.

Whales have a wide diversity in terms of communication via voice, and each group has a different sound, which can be recognized by members of the group even from a great distance They use echolocation to communicate and hunt, making sounds that were able to cross under the water until it met with an object, and then reflected back so that it can reveal the location, size, and shape of the object.

Killer whales are very protective of her child and adolescent females often assist the mother caring for children. Parent killer whales give birth every 3 to 10 years, after 17 months of pregnancy. Orca quickly known for their colors are black and white flashy and smart, well-trained star performances in the aquarium. Killer whales themselves have never been extensively hunted by humans.

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